Build and Configuration Review Services

Looking for configuration testing and build review services? Learn how a build review pentest by Microminder can help protect your company’s data.
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What is Build and Configuration Review ServicesTechnology is often said to be responsible for many cyber security incidents.

A build review comprehensively examines a device's software and settings to ensure compliance with industry standards. It is crucial as it develops a solid security posture for a company. Additionally, build reviews offer reliable and repeatable testing. This assists IT and security teams in determining how well their settings defend infrastructure against online threats.
Active attack:
This is when an attacker delivers signals to the authorised Access Point (AP) to canvass particular responses and penetrate the network. This generally happens in a short space of time.

Passive attack:
A passive attack is when an attacker apprehends signals sent from authorised devices to an authorised AP. For instance, an authorised device could be a corporate computer or laptop.
Here's Why Your Company Needs a Build and Configuration Review:

A build review is essential in ensuring that your business software is functioning correctly.

A device not adequately configured can present malicious attackers with a pathway into your organisation. Therefore to protect your firm's sensitive data, it is essential to identify and address vulnerabilities in your devices and networks.

Your business can carry out several different types of build assessments. However, to provide an accurate review of a build, it is essential to take into account the following:

Overall security posture
We perform interviews and review the exciting documentation to evaluate the security of your organisation's cloud infrastructure.

Access management
We check and change the entire access management system, such as user accounts, roles, and key management practices.

Devices Assessed in our Build and Configuration Review
Microminder will work with you to identify the elements of your network and devices critical for business operations.

We will then test those components against industry standard practices. By doing this, Microminder can help you deliver reliable applications and secure networks while minimising risk. Devices assessed may include:

Ascyrax's Step-by-Step Approach to Build and Configuration Review
Cyber security needs to be constantly monitored.

The fast-paced growth of business and digital transformation means that cyber security needs to be constantly monitored. New systems, applications and devices can introduce security risks that could allow attackers to gain access to your network and steal critical data.
Data gathering

Our penetration testers gather information about your network assets and how they are configured using automated tools and manual processes.

Configuration Analysis

We then identify vulnerabilities by carefully analysing and comparing data collected across your network to baseline settings.


Following the completion of an assessment, we provide a written report and debrief essential findings as well as a prioritised set of remedial actions to help address any identified risks and exposures.

Benefits of our Build and Configuration Review
Configuring and managing your infrastructure can be challenging

Which is where our build and configuration review will help. Below are some of the benefits you can expect from our review:
  • We strive to ensure that your cloud and IT devices are configured securely.
  • Our practical build and review assessment helps you save on additional resources and time.
  • We offer a cost-effective and efficient way to improve the security controls of single devices, such as gold-build images.

Why Ascyrax
Why Choose Ascyrax for Build and Configuration Review?

As you can see, even minor configuration problems might cause your company to fall apart. Hiring Microminder gives you access to a team of highly qualified cyber professionals who know the ins and outs of network configuration. We are constantly updating ourselves on the latest methods used by cybercriminals to circumvent network device security.
Technical report
This detailed report explains all vulnerabilities in detail for action by your IT team. We also provide the recommended course of action to remedy the VoIP breach.

Executive report
This is a summarised version of the technical report that employees at all levels can understand. It is easy to read, clearly explaining the results of our VoIP security assessment. You should distribute it to the whole organisation to help create a culture of vigilance.

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