API/ Web Security Assessment Services

Looking for API pen testing services? Learn what API security testing is and how Microminder can help protect your organisation's data from cyber threats.
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What is API / Web Services Security Assessment?API is a simple software that facilitates the exchange of your company's most sensitive data

API (Application Programming Interfaces) is a simple software that facilitates the exchange of your company's most sensitive data. They can be used for order processing, payment confirmation, data collection, and other tasks. As a result, APIs are essential for big businesses selling online and new enterprises.

Active attack:
This is when an attacker delivers signals to the authorised Access Point (AP) to canvass particular responses and penetrate the network. This generally happens in a short space of time.

Passive attack:
A passive attack is when an attacker apprehends signals sent from authorised devices to an authorised AP. For instance, an authorised device could be a corporate computer or laptop.

Common Reasons for API / Web Services Threats

Many APIs are public by default and accessible to anybody with the proper credentials.

If you're not vigilant, hackers will be able to steal your data. However, apart from data being stolen, other reasons for API security breaches can be to:

Therefore, API testing is critical in ensuring the security of your web services and the personal data housed within them. By recognising possible dangers and weaknesses, you can secure your data from hackers and keep your firm safe from invasion.

Overall security posture
We perform interviews and review the exciting documentation to evaluate the security of your organisation's cloud infrastructure.

Access management
We check and change the entire access management system, such as user accounts, roles, and key management practices.


Why choose Ascyrax for API / Web Services security testing?
At Ascyrax, we specialise in API testing services to keep your web services safe from threats and data leaks

Our experts use the latest tools and techniques to identify potential security issues before they become a real problem. We ensure that all of your APIs are up-to-date with the latest security patches, so you can rest assured that no unauthorised access will be allowed. Here's why you should consider us for your API security needs:
Ease of Creating Tests
Ascyrax provides developers and testers with automated tools and frameworks to validate and verify user interfaces, APIs, and databases.
Increased Test Coverage
We run tests with real-world data on virtualised infrastructure, actual browsers, or generated data.

Ascyrax's step-by-step approach to API/ Web Services Security Testing
SOAP and REST are two fundamental architectural paradigms in modern APIs.

SOAP is a highly organised communications system that supports various low-level protocols. REST is a more straightforward approach to APIs that uses HTTP/S as the transport protocol and JSON format for data transmission.

Set up the API test environment

We configure the servers, databases, and every resource with which the API interacts, depending on the software requirements.

Create API testing guidelines

To plan API tests, we must first define testing boundaries and requirements. We answer questions concerning the API’s purpose, intended customers, and testing goals.

Perform a test API request

We then ensure that nothing is broken and the API is working.

Establish the input settings

Further, we make a list of all potential input combinations. And then, use them in test cases to authenticate the results and determine if the API works as expected.

Why Ascyrax
Why Choose Ascyrax for Build and Configuration Review?

As you can see, even minor configuration problems might cause your company to fall apart. Hiring Microminder gives you access to a team of highly qualified cyber professionals who know the ins and outs of network configuration. We are constantly updating ourselves on the latest methods used by cybercriminals to circumvent network device security.
Technical report
This detailed report explains all vulnerabilities in detail for action by your IT team. We also provide the recommended course of action to remedy the VoIP breach.

Executive report
This is a summarised version of the technical report that employees at all levels can understand. It is easy to read, clearly explaining the results of our VoIP security assessment. You should distribute it to the whole organisation to help create a culture of vigilance.

Storage of personal information, software for cloud safekeeping. Working with big data, processing records online, vector design isolated