Cybersecurity Solutions for Energy Sector Companies

Are you looking for cybersecurity services for the energy industry? Learn how Ascyrax can help energy firms avoid cyber attacks.
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What is Build and Configuration Review ServicesCybersecurity for Energy and Utility Companies

As a leader in the energy sector, you will likely be aware of high-profile cyber attacks in your industry. But are you confident that you have the proper controls and processes to prevent serious breaches?

Why Cybersecurity is Crucial in the Energy Industry

The impact of a cyberattack in the energy sector can be particularly severe. In such an attack, hackers could gain access to critical systems and data, which they could use to cause widespread damage or even bring down the facility altogether.
Disruption of services to consumers

A power outage can affect a wide range of activities that rely on electricity. Lighting, heating, cooling, communication, and transportation are just a few examples. Businesses may lose revenue as a consequence of being unable to function, and consumers may incur greater costs as a result of having to use backup generators or other alternative power sources.

Financial losses

Every second that service is unavailable costs energy firms billions of pounds in potential losses.

Loss of intellectual property

Cyberattacks can potentially destroy valuable data and intellectual property, undermining the competitiveness of an energy provider by depriving them of key technological advantages.

Environmental damage

An attacker who gains access to a facility’s systems may be able to release hazardous materials or cause other environmental damage. This could contaminate water supplies, impact public health, or even result in loss of life.

Ransom payments

In some cases, attackers may demand ransom payments in order to release any data they have taken hostage. This can put a severe financial strain on energy providers and may force the closure of essential facilities.


Vulnerable Elements of the Energy Sector

Energy companies are at high risk for cyberattacks due to their reliance on IT systems, OT infrastructure, and supply chain partners.

Common Cybersecurity Challenges Facing the Energy Sector

Many businesses worldwide in the energy sector have been hit by attacks that exploit unpatched vulnerabilities to infiltrate systems, steal data, and disrupt operations. Thus highlighting the importance of adopting a Zero Trust approach to security.

Our Energy Sector Cybersecurity Services

Our security-by-design approach will help your energy business mitigate cyber risks and protect its data. We combine sector-specific knowledge with our industry experience to create tailored solutions that fit your unique requirements. The Microminder team have the skills necessary to implement these solutions securely and efficiently.
Vulnerability assessment

We use rigorous techniques to identify vulnerabilities that otherwise would have gone undetected.

Email security solutions

Our email security solutions are specially designed to help businesses in the energy sector stay safe online.

ICS/OT security assessment

The energy industry relies on information technology systems and equipment. Our experts can assess these ICS/OT systems and recommend solutions to maintain and improve their reliability, efficiency and security.

Cloud security solutions

Our team at Ascyrax are experts at providing comprehensive cloud security solutions to help defend critical data from infiltration.

Achieve Complete Cybersecurity Compliance

As an experienced provider of security services, Ascyrax is well-versed in helping energy companies enhance their data security in line with the requirements of the energy sector's strict compliance standards.

We can assist in meeting the most modern cybersecurity and data privacy regulations, including:

  • GDPR
  • CCPA
  • ISO 27001
  • CMMC