Mobile Application Testing Services

Looking for mobile app pentesting services? In a digital landscape where mobile apps are an integral part of daily life, ensuring their security is paramount. Hire Microminder for premium-quality penetration testing for mobile applications.

Microminder is a leading provider of premium-quality penetration testing services for mobile applications. With a deep understanding of the evolving threat landscape and the intricacies of mobile app security, Microminder offers a comprehensive range of services to identify vulnerabilities, enhance security, and ensure the smooth functioning of your mobile applications.
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Mobile application penetration testing is a holistic approach to testing the security of mobile applications.

Our Mobile Testing Services encompass a comprehensive approach to evaluating your app's security, functionality, and user experience. With rapidly increasing numbers and types of smart mobile devices, the number of applications created to run them is also increasing.

Penetration testing of mobile applications is not a quick or easy process.

For the best results, your organisation needs to conduct comprehensive pen tests of the mobile applications you develop at different development stages to uncover weaknesses.

Mobile application pen testing exposes the weaknesses and the strengths of apps your organisation is developing. Breaches and flaws in mobile application security can not only result in the loss of sensitive data for your customers and financial losses for your company, but they can also damage your business's reputation irreversibly.

Common weaknesses of mobile applications

Understanding common weaknesses in mobile apps is crucial. Here are ten common reasons why businesses need to utilise well-executed mobile application pen tests:
Insecure data storage
Failing to store data securely gives hackers the opportunity to access devices and steal information. Breaches happen when software developers assume that users have the knowledge or malware to infiltrate systems.
Insufficient cryptography
Lack of a proper encryption process means data on the mobile application is not safe. The data is unprotected if developers make an error when implementing an encryption attempt. This gives hackers a chance to access and manipulate data that should be unreadable.

What to Check During Mobile Application Penetration Testing

Our Mobile Testing Services include a detailed examination of the following critical aspects:
Public network communication

A lot of data theft happens when hackers steal user data over public networks. Pen testing mobile apps requires infosec teams to test how data travels over networks.The various areas in which we perform the testing are

  • Data in Transit: Evaluate how data is transmitted over public networks, such as the internet. Ensure that sensitive information, like user credentials, is encrypted using secure communication protocols like TLS (Transport Layer Security).
  • Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) Attacks: Test for vulnerabilities that could expose the application to MitM attacks, which can intercept and manipulate data during transmission.
  • Network Security: Check for security controls that prevent unauthorized access to network communication, such as firewalls, VPNs, or network segmentation.
Data Storage

Penetration testing, often referred to as ethical hacking, is a security assessment technique that simulates real-world attacks on a web application.The goal of penetration testing is to discover security weaknesses that may not be detected by automated tools. Testers actively seek vulnerabilities in areas like authentication, authorization, data validation, and other critical security aspects. Penetration testing provides a comprehensive understanding of an application’s security posture and can uncover both kno

Our team looks for clear text storage that is precisely what hackers hope to find in insecure applications. The various areas of data storage that we deal with are:

  • Data Encryption: Verify that sensitive data, both in transit and at rest, is properly encrypted. Ensure that encryption keys and algorithms are strong and up to industry standards.
  • Data Resilience: Assess the security of data storage systems to prevent unauthorized access or data breaches. Check for weaknesses in data storage, such as SQL injection vulnerabilities or insecure storage practices.
  • Secure Data Deletion: Ensure that data is securely deleted when it’s no longer needed, preventing potential data leaks from abandoned data.

wn and unknown vulnerabilities. It helps organizations proactively identify and mitigate security risks.

Architecture and Design

This is a crucial step for effective mobile application security testing. Testers need to understand the architecture and design of software to identify areas of insecurity. We perform the following steps to ensure your organisational security

  • Understand the Mobile App’s Architecture: Gain a deep understanding of the application’s architecture, including the client-side and server-side components. This helps identify potential vulnerabilities introduced by the app’s design.
  • Data Flow Analysis: Examine how data flows within the application and how it interacts with external services. Identify potential attack vectors and security flaws in the application’s design.
Authentication & Session Management

It’s necessary to test the efficiency of application security measures such as session expiration during a password change or multi-factor authentication. Our experts helps you with the following test procedures.

  • User Authentication: Test the authentication mechanisms in place, including login and registration. Check for vulnerabilities such as weak passwords, brute force attacks, and account lockout policies.
  • Session Management: Evaluate how the application manages user sessions. Check for session fixation, session timeout issues, and the effectiveness of multi-factor authentication (MFA) if implemented.
Error Codes

Pen test teams need to check for debug and error messages that could inadvertently reveal internal app information to the end-user. We deal with:

  • Error Messages: Analyze how the application handles errors and exceptions. Ensure that error messages do not reveal sensitive information about the application’s internal workings, which could be exploited by attackers.
  • Debug Code: Look for remnants of debug code or debugging information left in the production version of the application, as these can potentially provide insights into security weaknesses.