Red Teaming Services

Looking for the best red teaming company? Order red team security testing from Microminder, a leading cybersecurity company.
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What is a red team assessment?The concept of red teaming security testing originated from the military as an external evaluation of the strengths of its strategies.

It has since been adapted as a cybersecurity measure that works in conjunction with pen testing and ethical hacking. Known as a red team-blue-team simulation, this exercise tests security protocols and the response of those in charge of IT security.

During the exercise, there is usually a red team made up of external IT teams, but it can also include internal employees. Red team members pose as malicious hackers and try to breach an organization’s security structure.

A blue team of internal security employees reacts to a red team attack and works to defend your systems. When red and blue teams combine their efforts, they are defined as a purple team.

This collaboration is based on a symbiotic relationship where red team activities are used to train blue teams. The advantage of ‘purple teaming’ is that with proper communication, documentation and education, red teams can make sure blue teams remediate vulnerabilities and avoid repeating the same mistakes.

Cybersecurity red teaming examines a business's IT infrastructure, looking at items that include:

Digital assets like company documents, emails and account information
Core business operational processes used to accomplish organizational goals,
Technical processes used to create quality products or deliver efficient services

Why Ascyrax
Why do you need red teaming services?

One of the main reasons organisations need red teaming services is to overcome common errors during the normal penetration testing process. These cognitive errors include confirmation bias and groupthink that impairs the critical thinking abilities of IT security teams.

It has become much harder for organizations to recognise and respond to cyber attacks as hackers now use a slower, more methodical approach when launching an attack.

Red Team Penetration Test MethodologyLike all penetration tests, the red team operation follows a specific red teaming methodology. The six stages include:


This is the information gathering step where red teaming companies like Microminder use public tools like Google search, social media pages and company websites to collect information about the organisation. We thoroughly analyze a business’s operations, including employees, facilities and security measures. We also look at the technical infrastructure such as API endpoints, open network ports and exposed employee data and credentials.

Determination of Goals & Rules of Engagement

Ascyrax’s red team operations begin with consultations between our infosec teams and your IT heads. During this consultation period, we will agree on the target of red team activities, the testing timetable and the types of cyber-attacks that will be carried out.

These are the goals of the red pen test and may include activities such as physical entry to sensitive business locations or breaching networks and servers. At the end of this step, the client will need to grant a letter of authorisation, allowing Ascyrax’s red team hackers to conduct these activities.

Planning & Mapping the Red Team Penetration Test

Red teams consider various factors to determine how the actual penetration test will be conducted. These factors include looking at possible social engineering tactics, errors in cloud-based infrastructure, potential vulnerabilities, weak authentication mechanisms and poorly hidden subdomains.

Planning & Mapping the Red Team Penetration Test

Red teams consider various factors to determine how the actual penetration test will be conducted. These factors include looking at possible social engineering tactics, errors in cloud-based infrastructure, potential vulnerabilities, weak authentication mechanisms and poorly hidden subdomains.

What to CheckRed Team Best Practices

Stick to set plans and objectives

A red team analysis can escalate into a never-ending assessment because of the numerous scenarios and methodologies available. Make sure to have concrete objectives and measurable goals that blue teams can turn into actionable results.

Use creative infiltration techniques

The same way hackers don’t follow the rules when attacking a system, red teaming companies can use the same level of creativity when conducting a red test. Red team service providers should comply with the agreement signed by the client and also aim to provide comprehensive information to the blue team.

Verify findings

Throughout the red teaming process, providing feedback is probably the most critical aspect. Teams must have effective communication channels and use retrospective assessments to share information and fix security vulnerabilities.

Encourage a learning culture

Hacking tricks are constantly evolving, so a reputable red teaming company will guide how to keep up with the latest tricks.