Social Engineering Penetration Testing Services

Want to protect your business from social engineering attacks? Hire Microminder to carry out social engineering pen testing on your team.
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What is social engineering?Social Engineering discovers unidentified business risks

Social engineering attacks encompass various activities intended to trick individuals into divulging personal or company information. Attackers deceive, influence, coerce or manipulate users to gain control of your computer systems. 99% of cyber attacks use social engineering to convince users to install malware. This malicious software is then used to infiltrate an organisation’s networks and servers.
How to Prevent

How to Prevent Social Engineering Attacks

Don't open emails from unknown sources.
Keep your laptop locked whenever you are away from your workstation.
Increase employee awareness of the risks of oversharing personal information online

Do not rely on a single security measure to protect your organization.

Install antivirus software and keep the software updated.

Do not allow strangers or people without appointments into your office buildings.

Don't let offers or gifts from strangers lure you in.

Avoid listing employee email addresses on websites - use a web form instead.

Instill the mantra ‘think before you click’ in all employee activities and reduce the impact of human error.


Why do you need social engineering penetration tests?
Every single organization should conduct regular social engineering penetration tests

If you are responsible for the security of your systems, there are a few things you should consider.

  • Is there essential business information that is readily available to the public?
  • Are both technical and non-technical staff vulnerable to social engineering tactics?
  • Can someone have access to hardware that is removed from office premises?
  • Is it possible for a social engineer to access your offices?
  • Can an attacker use mislaid documentation to access your data?

The results of a successful social engineering attack can devastate a business.

  • Is there essential business information that is readily available to the public?
  • Are both technical and non-technical staff vulnerable to social engineering tactics?
  • Can someone have access to hardware that is removed from office premises?
  • Is it possible for a social engineer to access your offices?
  • Can an attacker use mislaid documentation to access your data?

Social engineering penetration test methodologyMicrominder CS Social Engineering Penetration Testing Process

Information gathering

This is the social engineering reconnaissance stage of social engineering pen testing. It requires our team to collect information about your organisation from public sources.


This step is performed before conducting social engineering testing. We consult with your IT team to establish the assessment requirements and the scope of the social engineering penetration test


At this stage, Microminder’s social engineering penetration testing team attempts to breach your systems or office premises and collect sensitive information. Testing could involve using phishing services to send random phishing emails to employees and monitoring their different actions. A social engineering company will also attempt to enter business offices and obtain company data.


Ascyrax’s social engineering pen testing team takes the reporting of test results as a crucial part of penetration testing. We prepare a full technical report for software engineers that sets out the goals of the test, the social engineering testing methodology and the vulnerabilities we identify. We also provide an executive report more appropriate for managerial teams and other employees that summarises our activities.


What to CheckRed Team Best Practices

Stick to set plans and objectives

A red team analysis can escalate into a never-ending assessment because of the numerous scenarios and methodologies available. Make sure to have concrete objectives and measurable goals that blue teams can turn into actionable results.

Use creative infiltration techniques

The same way hackers don’t follow the rules when attacking a system, red teaming companies can use the same level of creativity when conducting a red test. Red team service providers should comply with the agreement signed by the client and also aim to provide comprehensive information to the blue team.

Verify findings

Throughout the red teaming process, providing feedback is probably the most critical aspect. Teams must have effective communication channels and use retrospective assessments to share information and fix security vulnerabilities.

Encourage a learning culture

Hacking tricks are constantly evolving, so a reputable red teaming company will guide how to keep up with the latest tricks.