What is Voice Over Internet Protocol or (VoIP) technology?

It is ideal for business use as it replaces landlines and reduces overall communication costs.

Voice Over Internet Protocol or (VoIP) technology allows users to make phone calls over the internet. It is ideal for business use as it replaces landlines and reduces overall communication costs. It also allows for integration with online IT systems and external based-internet services, including video and teleconferencing.

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Cloud Security Risk Assessment ServicesCloud software has quickly become a crucial element of the digital infrastructure of every well-known tech business.

The cloud is now widely used by organisations to safely store sensitive data. As a result, it became an appealing target for cybercriminals. Since more attacks are happening on this business element and companies still use it as effective storage, it is vital to choose the best security measures to protect your cloud infrastructure.

Types of Attacks

VoIP present a unique set of security threats compared to other older types of breaches. Voice over IP threats include:

Overall security posture
We perform interviews and review the exciting documentation to evaluate the security of your organisation's cloud infrastructure.

Access management
We check and change the entire access management system, such as user accounts, roles, and key management practices.

Caller ID spoofing

Caller ID spoofing is a situation where a hacker forges caller IDs from your VoIP network and attempts to impersonate a trusted person in the business, such as managers. They aim to convince receivers to divulge sensitive company information such as passwords. Once the scammer has obtained this information, your whole organisation is at serious risk of a cybersecurity breach.

Denial of Service (DOS) attacks

A DoS attack aims to overload your VoIP network and disrupt the normal functioning of VoIP telephony services. One way this is achieved is through call flooding. Cybercriminals will send numerous calls your way that, when answered, cause the phone lines to ring almost immediately. Such actions can severely disrupt your business and cause chaos across the organisational supply chain.

War dialling

This is a hacking activity where a computer system is used to dial numerous phone numbers to find devices that display a weak or poorly secured access point. If you have such vulnerabilities, the hacker will attempt to enter your network.


When there is unencrypted Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) traffic, a hacker can intercept the VoIP calls – including video calls. Someone who manages to intercept your VoIP phone system can collect phone numbers, passwords and account names.


This type of fraud uses radio frequencies to infiltrate your VoIP system. They connect their external phone line to your network and can change your account details, make long-distance calls, and add and remove account credits. Phreaking increases your VoIP costs and gives hackers access to your voicemail and billing services.


Spamming over Internet Telephony is the phone version of spamming. Hackers of the IP address associated with your VoIP account will be able to send their own voicemail messages to thousands of voicemails. It results in an overloaded voicemail management system and carries the risk of viruses and spyware attached to voicemails.

Toll fraud

Attackers who implement this breach get access to your phone system and make expensive international numbers. They usually call premium phone numbers to receive a portion of the money charged from these calls —leaving you with a high phone bill.


Why Ascyrax
Our VoIP security assessment experts will consult with your internal team

Ascyrax VoIP vulnerability assessment and penetration testing will monitor the network traffic transferred between handsets and the VoIP controller. We look for weak points that can be used by a malicious user to eavesdrop or inject malicious software.

Before we begin VoIP penetration testing, we need to answer some pertinent questions about your current VoIP provider to determine the current security level of your VoIP solution:

Testing Phase
Ascyrax keep you updated on any vulnerabilities or any VoIP malware we detect

Our security assessment professionals will conduct the following tests to check the security of your VoIP system:

  • Inspect the traffic of your SIP network to check the security of the information sent during the initiation and ‘tear-down’ of VoIP phone calls.
  • Analyse the traffic sent over your voice network and confirm the level of VoIP call encryption.
  • Ensure your handset configurations cannot be modified.
  • Test to see if an unauthorised handset can be connected to your VoIP system.
  • Perform a Network Segregation Test to ensure that your VoIP network is isolated from your organisation’s and service providers’ LAN.
  • Conduct a vulnerability assessment of all VoIP infrastructure components.

Post-testing reporting
Ascyrax aims to ensure you are fully protected from a VoIP cyberattack;

hence we provide extensive reports on our VoIP testing procedures and findings. These include:
Technical report
This detailed report explains all vulnerabilities in detail for action by your IT team. We also provide the recommended course of action to remedy the VoIP breach.

Executive report
This is a summarised version of the technical report that employees at all levels can understand. It is easy to read, clearly explaining the results of our VoIP security assessment. You should distribute it to the whole organisation to help create a culture of vigilance.
