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Web Application Testing Services

Are you looking to carry out security testing on the web applications? At Microminder, we specialize in providing comprehensive Web App Testing Services to assist businesses in safeguarding their web applications. We aim to help you ensure that your digital assets, including websites and web-based software, remain secure and resilient in the face of potential threats and vulnerabilities.
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In today’s business environment, few established companies can function without a website.

Web app testing services refer to the processes and practices of evaluating and ensuring the quality, functionality, security, and performance of web-based applications that are done by a web testing company. Specialized testing companies or testing teams typically offer these services within software development organizations. The primary goal of web application testing is to identify and address any issues or vulnerabilities in the application before it is deployed to production and made accessible to users.

Security testing for web applications is the analysis of these six security concepts:

Integrity ensures that the information provided by web applications remains accurate and trustworthy. This means that data, both when stored and transmitted, must be protected from unauthorized modifications.

Authorization is about managing access and permissions for users. It ensures that users can only perform actions or access resources they are explicitly permitted to.

Software developers need to integrate security into every software development life cycle (SDLC) step. The various stages of the process — define, design, develop, deploy, and maintain — have specific security considerations that should be considered as part of the entire lifecycle.


Microminder offers web application testing services by performing activities such as

This service attempts to crack or guess passwords used within the web application. The goal is to identify weak or easily guessable passwords that could pose a significant security risk. By testing for password security, Microminder helps clients enhance their authentication and access control mechanisms.

Web application monitoring is essential for businesses in all industries

Web application testing is a critical phase in the software development life cycle that ensures the reliability, security, functionality, and overall quality of web applications. It helps deliver a better user experience, maintain security, and avoid potential problems, ultimately benefiting developers and end-users. It is used to:

The three common types of web application testing

The three common types of web application testing that we usually perform are:
Dynamic application security

DAST is a type of software application testing that focuses on evaluating the security of a web application from the outside-in. It does not require access to the application’s source code. It involves actively scanning a running web application to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses that could be exploited by hackers. It simulates real-world attack scenarios to identify issues such as input validation problems, authentication flaws, and other security vulnerabilities.DAST tools send malicious inputs and test the application’s response to assess its security. These tools can be automated and are helpful for continuous monitoring of an application’s security. They provide a practical assessment of an application’s security posture from an external perspective.

Penetration testing for web applications

Penetration testing, often referred to as ethical hacking, is a security assessment technique that simulates real-world attacks on a web application.The goal of penetration testing is to discover security weaknesses that may not be detected by automated tools. Testers actively seek vulnerabilities in areas like authentication, authorization, data validation, and other critical security aspects. Penetration testing provides a comprehensive understanding of an application’s security posture and can uncover both known and unknown vulnerabilities. It helps organizations proactively identify and mitigate security risks.

Static application security

SAST, also known as static analysis, is a type of security testing that examines the source code and binary code of a web application to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses.SAST tools analyze the source code, looking for coding practices, architectural flaws, and security vulnerabilities. Common issues include code injection, insecure configurations, and access control problems.It is used to find vulnerabilities at an early stage of development, making it an essential component of secure software development practices. Developers can address issues before they manifest in the running application.