Wireless Security Assessment Services

Do you want your organisation to have robust wireless security? Hire Microminder to carry out a thorough WiFi security testing assessment today.

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What Are Wireless Security Assessment Services?Wireless networks tend to be the target of attackers.

This is because it can be highly challenging to stop attackers from gaining physical access to WiFi. There are two types of attacks that wireless networks fall victim to:

Active attack:
This is when an attacker delivers signals to the authorised Access Point (AP) to canvass particular responses and penetrate the network. This generally happens in a short space of time.

Passive attack:
A passive attack is when an attacker apprehends signals sent from authorised devices to an authorised AP. For instance, an authorised device could be a corporate computer or laptop.

Wireless Security Assessment provides protection against would-be wireless network attackers. Here’s how Ascyrax’s WiFi Security Assessment works:

  • We locate the vulnerable APs throughout the network and its affiliated devices. We assess its weaknesses so that it can integrate suitable security controls.
  • We pinpoint and draw attention to unsuitable encryption, segregation, and authentication. We investigate unfriendly devices that have been installed without the approval of the IT department.
  • In terms of your security setup, we give your corporation best practice confirmation.
  • We test the effectiveness of your data segregation.
  • Ascyrax’s WiFi Security Assessments also examine WiFi radio frequency (RF) coverage trying to gain access from areas in close proximity.
  • We evaluate any design flaws in your security setup.
Why Does Your Business Need Wireless Network Assessment Services?

Using wireless networks can present risks.

It can allow your physical security controls to be circumvented, and access can be gained to your systems. By using WiFi Security Assessment Services provided by Microminder, any dangers (or potential dangers) will be highlighted to you. Here are some benefits of using Wireless Security Assessment Services:

Overall security posture
We perform interviews and review the exciting documentation to evaluate the security of your organisation's cloud infrastructure.

Access management
We check and change the entire access management system, such as user accounts, roles, and key management practices.


How to Prevent Wireless Security Breaches
There are numerous steps that your business can take to lessen the risk of your WiFi security becoming compromised.

On top of using Microminder’s WiFi Security Assessment services, you can:


Testing Phase
Ascyrax keep you updated on any vulnerabilities or any VoIP malware we detect

Our security assessment professionals will conduct the following tests to check the security of your VoIP system:

  • Inspect the traffic of your SIP network to check the security of the information sent during the initiation and ‘tear-down’ of VoIP phone calls.
  • Analyse the traffic sent over your voice network and confirm the level of VoIP call encryption.
  • Ensure your handset configurations cannot be modified.
  • Test to see if an unauthorised handset can be connected to your VoIP system.
  • Perform a Network Segregation Test to ensure that your VoIP network is isolated from your organisation’s and service providers’ LAN.
  • Conduct a vulnerability assessment of all VoIP infrastructure components.

Post-testing reporting
Ascyrax aims to ensure you are fully protected from a VoIP cyberattack;

hence we provide extensive reports on our VoIP testing procedures and findings. These include:
Technical report
This detailed report explains all vulnerabilities in detail for action by your IT team. We also provide the recommended course of action to remedy the VoIP breach.

Executive report
This is a summarised version of the technical report that employees at all levels can understand. It is easy to read, clearly explaining the results of our VoIP security assessment. You should distribute it to the whole organisation to help create a culture of vigilance.
